Dio and I are doing fine. I'm continuously working on his training with him, reinforcing it as I was instructed by you. Also just to let you know, he as been recognized by two local restaurants as the best service dog in Aroostook county and he got two gift certificates good for a free hamburger at each one (now you can stop smiling because I know you are). The owners of the restaurant had made the comment that each time I brought Dio in, not a person or a customer realized he was there because he was in a downstate position under the table or next to me on the side of the table where nobody could even be bothered or recognized him unless we're walking in and walking out. The only employee to know he was there was a waitress serving our table. I just thought I'd let you know that your training is paying off and I am doing what you told me - so yes Mom I am listening and doing what I'm supposed to.
Thank you for helping me get back to living and not being afraid.